Sit Less, Move More!

A frequent New Year's saying is "new year, new me." If you want to incorporate a bit more exercise into your everyday routine, you can simply move a little more each day. Many studies have demonstrated that creating small, attainable goals are effective to create long term changes.

For example, going to the gym every day may not be a realistic goal if you haven't worked out in a long time. Doing too much too soon may lead you to burn out.

You can start by sitting less and moving more as a way to become more active. You can accomplish this by parking further away from the grocery store's entrance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and exercising while watching TV.

Any amount of physical activity provides health advantages, so if you only have a few minutes, try to exercise! If you have restricted mobility, learn how to exercise in a chair; there are many of videos available online.

You'll start to feel better as you get more physically active.

Exercise tips - Site Less, Move More

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