Brain Exercises That Boost Memory
We don’t just lose muscle over time, brains can atrophy, too. On top of having a healthy diet and regular exercise there are ways to give your brain it’s own workout! Drive home via a different route, brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Play games like sudoku and word games, make a grocery list or any kind of list and memorize it. An hour later see how many items you can recall. Do math in your head without a calculator, better yet, do it while you are out walking. Learn a foreign language. Draw a map of your route after returning home from an outing.
Senior Fitness Testing!
Sign up to be tested once every 3 months for an assessment of functional fitness. I will test every 3 months. It is an easy and fun way to see if you are maintaining in areas of strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness.
Sign up with Gayle before or after fitness classes to reserve your spot! 2 people at a time for each 15 minute spot. Sign up with a friend now!