Why Good Posture Is Important
Having and practicing good posture helps maintain and promote proper bone alignment and muscle ten-sion distribution, to help keep the body in a decreased state of discomfort throughout the day.
Good posture means:
Chin is parallel to the floor
Shoulders even
Neutral spine
Arms at the sides with elbows straight and even
Abdominal muscles braced
Hips even
Knees pointing straight
Body weight is evenly distributed on both feet
How to practice proper posture:
In Sitting Position: make sure your feet are on the floor or on the footrest when seated instead of hanging from your chair, keep your knees at or below your hip height, keep your forearms re-laxed parallel to the floor, and have your entire back supported by your backrest of your seat.
In Standing Position: make sure your weight is held by the soles of your feet and placed 4-5 inches apart, tuck your stomach in, and keep your hands hanging naturally at the sides of the body. All while maintain-ing a straight and tall frame.
Preferable Lying position: Having a good and comfortable mattress is good to great for getting a good night’s rest. Support and protect the head with a pillow that is in an elevated position to the rest of the body to aid in blood circulation. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach.