Monitoring Your Exercise Intensity

Exertion Scale And Talk Test

When exercising it may be difficult to know how hard your body is working. Using the following tools will help you monitor your effort; the talk test and rate of perceived exertion are the best and easiest to use. The best part is that no equipment is needed!

Talk Test—What Is It?
The talk test is an easy way to measure your exercise intensity and is based on conversation effort during that period of active work. There are three intensity exercise levels: easy, moderate, and vigorous.


  • Easy exercise intensity allows you to have a conversation easily without being out of breath.

  • Moderate exercise intensity allows you to have a steady conversation.

  • Vigorous exercise intensity makes conversation difficult, but you may still be able to say a few words.

When you are moving and your breathing increases, you get a little warm, and break into a sweat, but can still carry on a conversation, then it is just about where you want to be for moderate exercise! It should be somewhat difficult but not too hard.


Walking for Health


Active Independent Retirement Living at Courtyard Village