Dealing with Winter Blues

Many Oregonians and Washingtonians experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) due to the extended amount of darkness that we experience during the fall and winter months. Though most experience mild SAD which is commonly called “winter blues1”.

Tips for beating the Winter Blues

• Stay Active, go outside: Regular exercise release endorphins2, which promote happiness and well-being. If the PNW weather permits, going outside for a walk allows us to connect with nature, breathe fresh air, and if we are lucky, get some Vitamin D. Stop by the Summit Room or the Activities Office for a fitness schedule.

• Get social: Having a social group can alleviate loneliness and provide a sense of belonging. We live in an age where technology enables us to communicate with individuals and our family across the world. While social media can foster a community, it cannot replace in-person activities3. Courtyard provides a wide range of activities for you to participate in. Look at the December calendar for activities.

• Light therapy: Is a tool that can help alleviate the winter blues. It does so by mimicking the light that the sun provides, which in turn improves our mood4. It is recommended that you sit in front of a light box5 for about 30 minutes to an hour each day.

  1. Coping with seasonal affective disorder, aka the “winter blues” : Oregon Health News Blog

  2. Endorphins: What They Are and How to Boost Them

  3. Social Media and Mental Health: Social Media Addiction

  4. Beat the Winter Blues | NIH News in Health


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